Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress


Getting work done that is important to Delaware and everyday Americans across the country is of the utmost importance to Lisa.

From the economy, to reproductive rights, to common sense gun-safety, Lisa's dedicated to fighting to ensuring you have what you need to get ahead and stay ahead.

When Lisa goes to Washington, we all go to Washington.

In every hearing, in every meeting, she's thinking about us. She's thinking about how to best serve the people of Delaware and the rest of the country. But she can't do that work without your input.

We've created a Democratic Priorities Survey for you to submit your opinions by midnight tonight. You can access your personal survey by clicking the button below:


Thanks for submitting,

Lisa HQ

Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester is a Democrat representing the First State, Delaware. She served as the National Co-Chair of the Biden-Harris campaign and Co-Chair of the DCCC ‘Red to Blue' program. Lisa is running for reelection to continue fighting for our health care, leading the charge toward environmental justice, and advocating for working families like hers.

Paid for by Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress

Lisa Blunt Rochester for Congress
PO BOX 9767
Wilmington, DE 19810
United States