It isn't easy speaking truth to power, especially when that power is within your own team. But Courage California has never let that stop us -- just check out our Courage Score, which publicly calls out corporate Democrats in our Hall of Shame.
But as we ramp up our call for Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign, we’ve been hearing some concerns from our members. It's understandable -- this is a very tough call to make, and not one we make lightly. That's why we wanted to answer some of the most common questions we’ve been getting.
For decades, Sen. Feinstein has been a leader who helped establish California as the beacon for bold and progressive policy. Now, when the U.S. Senate has opportunities to pass policies and appoint leaders who will affect us for generations, it's time for Californians to ask her one more time to exhibit the leadership we need and deserve -- by stepping down.
Yours in the fight for a functioning democracy,
Irene, along with Annie, Angela, Isidra, Lindsay, Mai, Mai, and Scottie (and the rest of the Courage team)  |