From Nancy Pelosi <>
Subject Join me and Hillary Clinton!
Date May 4, 2023 6:11 PM
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I couldn’t wait to share this news with you, friend.

I’m celebrating Mother’s Day this year with my dear friend, Hillary Clinton, as well as a couple of special guests: Acclaimed entertainer and advocate Vanessa Williams and former National Teacher of the Year, Congresswoman Jahana Hayes!

As one of my best Democrats, I want to personally invite you to join our live, virtual event on Wednesday, May 10th. Chip in $25 or more to reserve your ticket today! [[link removed]] It would mean so much to Hillary and me if you could make it.

[link removed] [[link removed]]Hillary and I first met decades ago when we were both mothers of growing children, but it’s not often that we get a chance to sit down one-on-one.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I’m looking forward to this women-powered event, where we’ll get the chance to not only celebrate women’s achievements and motherhood, but also discuss how women must continue to shape the future of our country!

I can’t wait to join Hillary Clinton, Vanessa Williams, and Congresswoman Jahana Hayes -- and it would mean so much to us if you were there, too!

Will you take 10 seconds to reserve your ticket today? Chip in $25 or more and I will personally hold a spot for you. [[link removed]]

I can’t wait to see you there!

-- Nancy

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