
Conservatives often cite various thinkers of the past to bolster their positions of the present. But would the philosophers we draw on today actually believe what we do? Or are some conservatives taking well-known scholars out of context?
Patrick Deneen, writing for UnHerd, highlights this dissonance in relation to John Stuart Mill, the British thinker who wrote On Liberty. In this article, Deneen argues that Mill would not actually back the conservatives who claim him as a champion. He instead believes Mill would align more with today’s progressives on many issues.
Deneen points specifically to Mill’s beliefs that humans are “progressive beings” who must continually change to become better and that progress is superior to custom. These, Deneen says, are very similar to the doctrines of leftist progressives in 2023 America.
Thus, Deneen thinks conservatives should avoid calling on Mill, and he instead suggests looking to true traditionalism for our support so we can restore “good custom.” Discover Deneen’s full reasoning here.
P.S. Deneen will be discussing his new book, Regime Change: Toward a Postliberal Future, at an ISI Modern Age book panel on May 17 in Washington, D.C. Register today!
Weekly Poll
RESULTS: 4/27/23
Last week, we asked: Who won ISI's debate on transgenderism—Michael Knowles or Brad Polumbo? The winner is: Michael Knowles!
In your opinion, do you think John Stuart Mill's arguments are helpful to modern progressives or conservatives?

A father is found guilty of sexually abusing his daughter for nine years, starting when she was eight years old. A British judge sentences this horrific criminal to 15 years of prison. That should be the end of a tragic story.
Instead, that father is not only leaving prison this year, but he’s doing so while claiming to be a woman. And to top it all off, he’s named himself after a House of Lords member fighting against radical gender ideology.
Some justice.
In Compact, Claire Fox, the aforementioned House of Lords member, tells this unbelievable story of cruelty, theft, and appalling absurdity. Fox, who has opposed transgender activists for years, wonders aloud why Clive Bundy, the abusive father, would steal her name. She ultimately believes that it’s a horrific form of trolling.
The ridiculous result, Fox says, is that Bundy can change his name and gender on all his U.K. official documents without anyone hearing about his past. Employers will have no idea about the abuse Bundy perpetrated.
Above all else, though, Fox honors Ceri-Lee Galvin, Bundy’s daughter and victim. Galvin has bravely spoken publicly about her abuse and her father’s evil trick so that others don’t have to go through the pain she experienced.
Read Fox’s full story right here.


ISI’s Annual Homecoming Weekend
June 2nd - 3rd, 2023
Hosted on ISI’s beautiful 20-acre campus in Wilmington, Delaware, this year’s Homecoming theme is “The Next Great American.” Through engaging presentations, we will explore the statesmen, titans of industry, and artists that have shaped our nation throughout its history. Special discounted rate of only $50 for ISI students and alumni under age 30! RSVP before tickets are gone here.
Join us in Wilmington, DE >>>
Because our student editors and writers are bravely bringing conservative ideas to their campuses, we’re highlighting their efforts here.
“Truth or Transphobia?: Dartmouth Republicans Hosts Chloe Cole” via The Dartmouth Review
“Over the past few months, Ms. Cole has been featured on numerous outlets to share the story of her medical gender transition and destransition.”

Other conservative scholars besides Deneen have also warned about making John Stuart Mill an idol rather than a cautionary tale. His idea of liberty has proven attractive to many Americans, but does it align with the family values conservatives want to embrace?
For this week’s Intercollegiate Review archive, Scott Yenor takes aim at Mill’s “simple principle” of liberty. Yenor acknowledges that Mill’s thinking is not frivolous or absurd, but he believes a whole-hearted embrace of liberty for liberty’s sake leads to dangerous places.
As an example, Yenor reminds us that Mill argued against the foundation of the traditional family in Victorian England. Although there were certainly issues of inequality between the sexes, Yenor points out that Mill went too far, decoupling the idea of the family from nature and tying it to mere custom. Mill wanted marriage to be focused on individuality, not unity.
Yenor reminds us, though, that the true nature of love includes sacrificing oneself and giving up individuality. Because of this, “marriage and family life appear much more necessary and much less unattractive than Mill lets on,” Yenor says.
Read Yenor’s entire argument right here.
Thought of the Day:
“If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.”
- John Stuart Mill
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