Indian LGBTQ+ groups push to widen access to HIV prevention pill

The daily HIV prevention pill PrEP can save lives - but many vulnerable LGBTQ+ Indians lack access


Stark choices for Lebanon’s trans people in economic freefall

Transgender women and men in Lebanon hard hit by economic collapse as meds, healthcare head out of reach

Which countries still criminalise gay sex?

As the Cook Islands scraps laws against gay sex, here’s the state of laws on same-sex relations around the world

Uganda parliament passes harsh anti-LGBTQ bill

Uganda's parliament passed one of the world's strictest anti-LGBTQ bills mostly unchanged, including provision for long jail terms and the death penalty

Montana transgender legislator loses court bid to return to floor

Censured Montana transgender Representative Zooey Zephyr lost a last-minute legal attempt to rejoin debate on the House floor, as a Montana judge rejected her attempt to overturn the legislature's punishment that silenced her

India to form committee to examine problems same-sex couples face

India will set up a committee to look into the problems gay couples face in their day-to-day life

UCI defends transgender policy after Killips victory

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