Friend, did you see this important note? The Senate will vote to cover up Trump's crimes just hours from now, and we're ready to take to the streets and call out their complicity.
We've already seen a phenomenal response from Common Cause members like you -- please chip in what you can to send an unmistakable message >>
We hope you can join us today at 5:30 p.m. local time -- check to find an event near you!
The team at Common Cause
Friend, our nation’s darkest moments are often followed by our greatest triumphs. And I believe that right now, we’re facing one of those pivotal moments.
Here’s the bad news: we now know that Wednesday afternoon, the U.S. Senate will vote to effectively hand President Trump a blank check to abuse his power and try to rig the 2020 election in his favor.
They’re approving Trump’s behavior despite the damning testimony against him from multiple career public servants... despite his defenders’ repeatedly disproven lies... and despite 75% of Americans wanting to hear from additional witnesses before the Senate votes.
But in response… We The People are saying we won’t stand for it. Common Cause is leading a nationwide coalition to Reject The Coverup -- with hundreds of events from coast to coast. And the moment the Senate votes -- we’ll take to the streets to call out Republicans’ complicity, and demand a free and fair 2020 election.
We’ve already confirmed 216 events for Wednesday afternoon, with more springing up by the minute. The American people are taking notice -- and we’re ready to show that we’re not going to let Senate Republicans get away with this sham impeachment trial.
Friend, we decided to mobilize hundreds of thousands of Americans because it’s the right thing to do -- but we haven’t budgeted for the resources it’ll take to make it happen. That’s why I’m asking you and every Common Cause member to step up, and pitch in what they can to make sure we’re ready to send an unforgettable message.
This unprecedented grassroots energy to Reject The Coverup is stretching our resources to the limit -- any amount you can spare will make a huge impact.
Or, give another amount >>
Ever since the Senate’s vote late Friday night to rush forward and block additional witnesses, I’ve been hearing from Common Cause members like you asking what you can do to fight back.
Here’s why your action matters: the Senate’s vote will surely embolden Trump to escalate his attempts to cheat in the 2020 election -- including soliciting foreign interference like he did from Ukraine’s government.
The House still has critical, ongoing investigations into Trump’s misconduct -- and they need to hear the American people demand accountability in this moment, not a return to business as usual.
And on top of that, the fiasco created by last night’s Iowa caucus could be just a preview of what’s to come if we don’t get serious about modernizing and securing our election systems.
The fact is, if we don’t have a free and fair 2020 election, we don’t have a democracy anymore. And Common Cause’s top priority in the coming months will be ensuring we do what it takes -- from protecting every voter, to stopping foreign interference, to passing voting reforms to let more Americans participate -- to make sure that election represents the people’s wishes.
That’s why we absolutely cannot let Senate’s vote after a sham trial discourage us. It should be a clarion call -- to rededicate every American to our shared belief in democracy.
And together, we’ll make sure we respond with a wave of reform -- just like we did after Watergate -- to prevent the corruption and lawlessness in the White House and Congress from ever taking hold in our government again.
Friend, we can’t do this without you. If we want this sham impeachment vote to not be an end -- but a beginning of how we restored American democracy -- then I need your support right now.
Please chip in to power our urgent grassroots response to the Senate’s co-signing of Trump’s corruption -- and help us Reject The Coverup on Wednesday.
This work is never easy -- but it’s absolutely vital for our future. Together, I know we can leave for the next generation the democracy we all deserve.
In common cause,
Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause
P.S. We’re expecting a major turnout for these events -- if you haven’t signed up for one near you yet, now’s the time. Find your local Reject The Coverup event, or host your own >>