Nancy is upset because her impeachment sham failed, the Democrats’ Iowa election was a debacle, and President Trump’s approval ratings are at a record


President Trump's State of the Union was one of his best speeches yet. He talked about our accomplishments like cutting taxes, confirming judges, and rebuilding the military.

So what did Nancy Pelosi do? She tore it up.


Nancy is upset because her sham impeachment failed, the Democrats' Iowa election was a debacle, and President Trump's approval ratings are at a record high.

If you agree that Nancy embarrassed herself, will you join me in telling her?

Sign this petition telling Nancy Pelosi she embarrassed herself and she should apologize to President Trump.

In service,  

Tom Cotton
Tom Cotton
United States Senator

Senator Cotton was honorably discharged from the U.S. Army.
Images do not imply endorsement by the Department of Defense or any service branch.

PO Box 7839
Little Rock, AR 72217-7839


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