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Portrait of DRA President & CEO Rebecca Williford + "Invest in DRA's Future Today!"
Image: Portrait of DRA President & CEO Rebecca Williford + "Invest in DRA's Future Today!"
It is DRA’s 30th anniversary year. We’ve hired an outstanding President and CEO, and we’re creating headlines at rapid pace, that mean equity and inclusion for people with disabilities. We’re writing today to ask that you join us at this pivotal moment in DRA’s history and support our bold vision for the future.

Since our founding in 1993, DRA has established itself as the leading national non-profit disability rights legal center—transforming transportation, technology, healthcare, emergency preparedness, voting, housing, education, and entertainment to ensure equal access for people with disabilities across the country. Building on this strong foundation, we’ve hired longtime DRA attorney and advocate Rebecca Williford as our President & CEO. Under Rebecca’s steady, capable leadership, DRA will:
  • Expand our impact through representing black, indigenous, and people of color with all types of disabilities in geographies across the country.
  • Build the capacity of the disability and legal communities through istening sessions, know-your-rights workshops, and deep partnerships with other nonprofits and legal services organizations.
  • Enhance our internal strength through trial and media trainings for our attorneys, working with DEI experts to enhance our hiring and retention programs, and a bicoastal, hybrid gala on November 9th that will share DRA’s stories and bolster our community.
This means you can count on DRA to continue creating headlines like you’ve seen in the last month:
Court Rules That Chicago’s Intersections Must Be Made Accessible for Blind Pedestrians
EEOC Affirms Decision Certifying Nationwide Class of Deaf Civilian Employees and Applicants in Case Against the U.S. Air Force
Disability Advocates and MTA Reach Historic Settlement to Make the NYC Subway Accessible to People Who Need Stair Free Access
Federal Court Grants Final Approval to Ground-Breaking Settlement That Will Ensure NYC Children with Diabetes Receive Appropriate Care in School
We’re asking you today to invest in more headlines touting inclusion and equity.  We’re asking that you invest in Rebecca Williford’s steadfast leadership. We’re asking that you join us to ensure that as society continues to grow and change, DRA is there creating a world free from discrimination where people with disabilities are valued members of their communities with equal access to opportunity.

Here’s how you can bolster DRA today:
  • Make a tax-deductible gift to fund our mission and programs. Make it in honor of DRA’s future under Rebecca Williford’s leadership!
  • Mark your calendar for November 9th and plan to join us in New York City, San Francisco, or virtually for our 30th anniversary gala.
  • Join DRA’s Legacy Circle through a bequest and invest in a future where all of us—regardless of age or ability—can participate as contributing members of American society.
  • Forward this message along to three friends, family members, or colleagues who should join DRA’s merry band of civil rights champions and tell them why you’re supporting our mission.
Thank you for taking action to support another decade of inclusion, equity, and civil rights for people with disabilities. And here’s to our bold, bright future!
Here's Why People Are Giving to DRA This Spring: Join Them!
Portrait of Cristina Rubke
“I’m making a $250 gift to DRA today in honor of DRA’s President & CEO Rebecca Williford. Rebecca has the vision, experience, and strength to lead DRA into the future. I hope you’ll join me today in supporting Rebecca and DRA’s high-impact litigation that makes my life, and the lives of everyone with disabilities, better.” –Cristina Rubke, Shartsis Friese LLP
Image: Portrait of Cristina Rubke
Portrait of Brian Frumkin
“I’ve included DRA in my estate plans because I’ve seen firsthand how DRA has transformed the landscape for people with disabilities through skillful legal work. I want to leave a legacy of inclusion and I want to ensure that DRA will always be there—ensuring access for people with disabilities as society continues to evolve and change.” –Brian Frumkin, Bank of America
Image: Portrait of Brian Frumkin
Impact Report
In April, a federal court approved a critical settlement for DRA’s case against the New York City Department of Education that ensures children with diabetes receive the care they need to fully participate in school and school-related activities.
In April, DRA’s class certification in our case challenging the U.S. Air Force’s failure to provide basic accommodations to Deaf employees and applicants was affirmed by the EEOC appeals court.
Pedestrian Access
Chicago must install and maintain accessible pedestrian signals (APS) at intersections following an April ruling that holds the city responsible for discriminating against blind and low vision pedestrians.
Sacramento’s Golden 1 Center improved the stadium’s online ticket purchase platform for blind and low vision individuals thanks to collaboration with DRA and community members, and announced their work during a Kings home game in February.
In April, DRA’s settlement to make the New York City subway accessible for more than half a million people with mobility disabilities was granted final approval, ensuring that 95% of the MTA system’s currently inaccessible stations will include stair-free paths of travel by 2055.
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