In January 2023, DHS created a new “streamlined process” for workers involved in a labor dispute at their workplace to request temporary protection from deportation and a work permit. Over the past several months, organizers and legal practitioners have been working together to implement this new "Deferred Action for Workers in Labor Disputes" program. This free webinar, organized by the Ready to Stay coalition partners NILC, NPNA and Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), will provide updates on the implementation of the program and dive deeper into the nuts-and-bolts of preparing an application. 

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About the Immigration Advocates Network

The Immigration Advocates Network (IAN), a program of Justicia Lab, is an online community of over ten-thousand nonprofit professionals, pro bono lawyers, students, and faculty committed to fighting for immigrant justice. Join the IAN community to receive regular updates, connect with other members, and learn about new digital tools immigrant justice. 

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