Your Intentions, Nine Holy Masses, May 5-13

Dear Friend,
The Nine Holy Masses invoking Our
Lady of Fatima that will be said for all of the intentions that you
submit, will begin on Friday, May 5 and will continue
until Saturday, May 13, the Feast Day of Our Lady of
Please submit your intentions now and be enrolled in the Novena to Our
Lady of Fatima. Please include an intention for the needs of Cardinal
Burke, as well as his continued good health.
Earlier this week, I wrote about
Our Lady’s words at Fatima: “In
the end, my Immaculate Heart will Triumph”.
As we begin this novena on Friday, let us keep in mind how each of us
can experience the Triumph of
the Immaculate Heart in our own lives and plan a course of
~ By offering up our own trials and
sufferings, Our Lady requested that we make sacrifices for others.
“Pray much and make sacrifices for sinners, for many souls go to hell
because there is no one to make sacrifices for them.”
~ By asking Our Lady’s intercession
to overcome a habitual personal sin or addiction.
~ By turning to Her in any crisis
situation, personal or familial.
~ By commending a spiritually
“lost” family member, friend, or even someone unknown to Her
Immaculate Heart.
~ By making a pilgrimage of
reparation to a Marian shrine – even locally, to a church named in
honor of the Blessed Mother.
~ By joining a pro-life cause in an
integral way: Our Lady greatly desires to save the unborn from
destruction -to help those in crisis pregnancies and even new, single
mothers. And to pray for abortionists, in reparation for their sins
and conversion.
~ By learning to trust and confide
all things to Her, both our long-term problems and our short-term
goals and plans.
May Our Lady of Fatima make our
Catholics more fervent and deliver us from all dangers.
Yours in the Immaculate Heart of

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
P.S. Mark your calendar - to join us (live
or in-person) at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in San Diego, CA, on May 13
at 9AM, PDT, for the Marian Holy Hour and May Crowing of Our Lady,
with Bishop Bejarano, where all your submitted
intentions will also be remembered.
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