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What we're up to:

May edition
FixMyStreet app
Tech for you

New, improved FixMyStreet app

The most convenient time to report street faults is when you see them — and we know that a lot of people use FixMyStreet on the go.

Now we're delighted to announce a new, fully-featured FixMyStreet app, available for all types of smartphone.

If you've been using our older app, we recommend checking to ensure it's been updated. And if you haven't, what are you waiting for?! Check out your phone's app store and search for FixMyStreet - then look for the familiar icon of a white spanner on a yellow background:

FixMyStreet in the app store

As a Progressive Web App, this new version is able to give you a fully-featured experience that's identical to using the desktop version of the site.

So now it's even easier to report all those potholes, overflowing bins or anything else that needs fixing in your neighbourhood. Let's get to it!


Exploring the future of democracy

at the Festival of Debate
Festival of Debate logo

Democracy 2043

What does an ideal democracy look like? And what do we need to put in place now to make it a reality?

On Wednesday 24th May we'll be discussing just that at the Festival of Debate. And to help us, we've convened an amazing panel of thinkers and doers:

Tickets are free - we hope you'll join us, in person in Sheffield or online (we'll be live-streaming the whole event). Either way, you'll need to reserve your place — best get on that now.
Reserve your place now

Still more democracy!

We're not the only organisation digging into the topic of democracy at the Festival of Debate: in fact there's a whole strand dedicated to the topic. The following events are online and accessible wherever you're located:

Meanwhile, if you're local to the Sheffield area, Citizen Network & Neighbourhood Democracy Movement are holding a full day, in-person conference on care and support in the neighbourhood: It's Our Community.
Over to you

How have you used FixMyStreet?

How have you used FixMyStreet?

Tell us about it!

We're looking for your stories of how you've used FixMyStreet to make things better. Perhaps you lobbied for a zebra crossing, objected to a dangerous junction, or dealt with undesirable fly tipping?

Or maybe you've used FixMyStreet for something completely different! We'd love to hear. Fill in our survey here.

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