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Thursday, May 4th, 2023


Debt Ceiling Farce and Why the US Should Declare Bankruptcy

Doug Casey

Cable Guy Gone…..But Not For Long!

David Stockman

Will the Mass Poisoning of Our Skies Cause a Killing Field Effect?

Gary D. Barnett

Although Scarred by Violence, We Must Not Be Scared Into Silence

Edward Curtin

The U.S. Military’s Recruiting Crisis Is a Positive Sign

Jacob G. Hornberger

Why Is It Easier To Get This Deadly Treatment Than Ivermectin?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

It’s Good When Idols Get Knocked Off Pedestals

Caitlin Johnstone

There Never Was a Nord Stream ‘Secret Operation’: President Biden’s ‘Act of War’ Against Europe

Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Dragan Vujicic

Joe Biden Is Rewarding People With Bad Credit

Peter Schiff

Nikola Tesla: 700 Patents including a UFO…

Helena Glass

There Is a War Coming Shrouded in Propaganda

John Pilger

12-Year-Old Stands up to School Board After He Was Kicked Out of Class for ‘Only 2 Genders’ T-Shirt

Jean Mondoro

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