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Wondering What's Going On with Reproductive Health?
On Wednesday, May 17, at 6 pm, Giovannina Anthony will discuss the state of Women's Reproductive Health in the Equality State and the lawsuit Against HB 152 "Life is a Human Right." Judge Melissa Owens issued a Temporary Restraining Order on March 22, so abortion remains legal in Wyoming for now.

Meanwhile, the US Supreme Court blocked lower court decisions banning or limiting the FDA-approved use of the abortion pill mifepristone while the appeals process moves forward.  Regardless, Wyoming's Legislature passed SF109 Prohibiting Chemical Abortion and it is scheduled to go into effect on July 1. 

Although the Governor and Attorney General have opposed Secretary of State Chuck Gray 's bid to join the intervenors, that issue is still alive and a hearing will be held on May 24.  In the meantime, Casper's Mayor posted an incendiary image on FB in reaction to the Wellspring Clinic finally opening eleven months after an arson attack. There is a lot of work to be done to counter the antis. 

We will be meeting at at 6 pm at the Cidery (next to The Bird - 4125 Pub Pl #4, Jackson, WY 83001)  Childcare and Spanish translation services will be provided. 
Community Clean Up Saturday Morning May 13!
Join the Teton Dems for a little fresh air and some good hard work for the Annual Spring Clean Up Day. Along with other businesses and organizations, we will spruce up our streets and parks after the loooooong winter. We will be meeting at 8:00 A.M. Saturday, May 13th at Phil Baux Park or Old Wilson School.  We are encouraging everyone to wear their favorite Democratic shirt. Please email Abbie Stanford if you are interested. 
Get (More) Involved!
We still have openings for Precinct Committee Officers in some districts. PCOs are the party members closest to the people, they work in their precinct to hear and understand the needs of their community. PCOs meet a few times a year to talk about the issues around the county. They also get to vote on replacement elected officials should a Teton County elected Democrat leave office.  Email Maggie Hunt  to learn more. 

Speak Up and Speak Out!
Use your voice! Call and email legislators and let them know what you think and how you feel about their ideas and morals (or lack of them). Write articles, post to social media, and talk your neighbors about ways to take action. Democracy is not a spectator sport!

We Can't Do it Without You! Click to Support Teton Dems

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