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Dear Friend,
Nosey Parker's Pet Project: The envy tax
report 🤑💰

Last week, the IRD published its much anticipated report on
high net wealth individuals. Their research project looked at the
level of tax paid by just over 300 of the wealthiest New Zealanders.
They carried out this project thanks to new investigatory powers
handed to them by the Government that were snuck through under urgency
a couple of years ago.
The report purports to show that these high wealth individuals pay
half the level of tax on their income when compared to the average
Kiwi. But the way the IRD defines 'income' in this report is very
different to how you or I would define it. Most of us would think that
this covers our salary and perhaps capital gains from selling an
But the IRD have used the widest possible definition of 'economic
income'. It suggests that all capital gains should be included even if
they are unrealized. For example, if your house increases in value but
you don't sell it, by their logic, you should pay tax on that
increase. But you can bet you wouldn't get a rebate if the house price
fell. Even more strangely, this measure of income includes things like
'imputed rents'. In other words, if you own a house and live in it,
your taxable income should include the rent that you would pay
yourself to live in your own home. Keeping up? 👀
Stretching the definition of income this far is what has allowed
the report to magic up the figure that high net wealth individuals pay
only 9 percent of their income economic income in tax.
And in doing so, it has served David Parker's real purpose: To
fuel the politics of envy and provide a justification – however
misleading – to introduce some kind of capital gains tax or wealth
The Prime Minister is being just as slippery. While he has ruled
out such measures for this month's budget and the rest of this
'parliamentary term', his careful choice of words signals that
something is on the horizon.
In short, the Government has essentially wasted over $5 million to
produce a report that tells us something we already knew: We don't tax
capital gains here in New Zealand.
Careful what you wish for: Killing the goose that lays the golden
egg 👋🇳🇴🛫
In completely unrelated news, Norway recently increased its wealth
tax (applicable to net wealth above NOK 1.7 million –
approximately $250,000 NZD) from 1.0 percent to 1.1 percent and has
seen an exodus of, well, the wealthy. According to that well known
right wing newspaper, The
A record number
of super-rich Norwegians are abandoning Norway for low-tax countries
after the centre-left government increased wealth taxes to
More than 30
Norwegian billionaires and multimillionaires left Norway in 2022,
according to research by the newspaper Dagens Naeringsliv. This was
more than the total number of super-rich people who left the country
during the previous 13 years, it added. Even more super-rich
individuals are expected to leave this year because of the increase in
wealth tax in November, costing the government tens of millions in
lost tax receipts.
That's right: The tax increase has actually
resulted in less tax being available for public services. Given that
the top 10 percent of New Zealanders already pay half of the total
income tax take (not to mention the investment, jobs, and
entrepreneurship we all benefit from), a wealth tax right would simply
serve to wave goodbye to even more Kiwis across the ditch to
Is Labour credible on tax? Government tax hikes
hit low and middle income New Zealanders hardest 💵🔺
It seems that some Cabinet Ministers didn't get the memo about 'no
new taxes'. Within 12 hours of Chris Hipkins leaving the country for
the King's Coronation, Transport Minister Micheal Wood hiked the Ute
To make matters worse, either Transport Minister, Michael Wood,
isn't on speaking terms with the Finance Minister, or Mr.
Robertson lied when he said just 12 hours before the Government hiked
the Ute Tax that they would not be hiking the Ute Tax... Have
a listen:

Scrap the Ute Tax: Government's reverse Robin Hood tax won't even
cut emissions 🏹🛻

This tax will now set you back up to $6,900 to buy a new ute or up
to $3,500 to buy one second hand. This will hit tradies and farmers
hard, particularly those in flood-affected areas like Hawke’s Bay,
East Coast, Northland, and the Coromandel. At the very least those
needing to replace a ute due to flood damage should be exempted.
This reverse Robin Hood tax sees the money raised on
hard-working low- and middle-income Kiwis used to fund subsidies for
the wealthy who want to buy the latest Tesla.
And the worst thing is that – for all the virtue signalling – the
policy does not actually achieve its own objective of reducing
emissions. New Zealand's "cap and trade" Emissions Trading Scheme
means that any reduction in transport emissions will simply
free up New Zealand Units to be emitted by other sectors. So no net
gain for the environment.
We are calling on the Government to scrap this unfair and
ineffective tax. We
are asking our supporters to register their opposition by signing the
petition here.
Ruth Richardson: New Zealand set for a 'no solutions'
budget 📰🎙️

Taxpayers' Union Board Member and
former Minister of Finance, Ruth Richardson, has been doing the media
rounds following the publication of the Nosey Parker report and
suggesting that Chris Hipkins's 'no frills budget' in two weeks' time
might better be described as a 'no solutions budget'.
Ruth spoke with Ryan
Bridge on TV Three's AM Show about the hostile
economic environment that this Government has created and the
excessive levels of state spending. In the On
the Tiles podcast with Thomas Coughlan of the NZ
Herald she tears into the methodology used by the IRD's
research project on high wealth individuals and warns that the report
will be used to justify future tax hikes. And she spoke with Heather
du Plessis-Allan on Newstalk ZB Drive about the problems
that New Zealand has with a lack of earnings and capital, which will
just be made even worse by a wealth or capital gains tax.
Starting them early: Youth Parliament costs increase
fivefold 🗳️💸

Union recently received a tip off about how much the Ministry
of Youth Development was spending on New Zealand’s Youth
Parliament. With the honourable exception of Epsom, unlike most
parliaments, these ‘representatives’ are not elected, but rather are
hand picked by Members of Parliament.
Back in 2013, the cost
for a two-day sitting of the Youth Parliament was $90,464.78 or about
$112,000 in today’s prices. But 2022’s political shindig cost a
whopping $451,500 to cover travel, food, accommodation and
As a former youth
parliamentarian myself, I don’t begrudge a little being spent on
engaging young people in our democracy, but a fivefold increase in the
costs is simply unnecessary and inexcusable. Sadly it seems that the
current model for the Youth Parliament is just as wasteful as the
House of Representatives itself.
We previously
uncovered spending by the Ministry of Youth Development of
almost $300,000 on rather odd anime videos that seemed to have no
point to them whatsoever. Given all this wasteful and unnecessary
spending, it make you wonder what the point of the Ministry itself
If you know of an
example of bureaucratic buffoonery from a government agency or
council, send us a tip on our confidential tip line here.
Thank you for your support.
Yours aye,
Purves Campaigns Manager New Zealand
Taxpayers’ Union.

Bay of Plenty Times Tauranga, Western Bay, Bay of Plenty regional
councils’ spending on consultants
revealed Revenue Minister David Parker says IRD survey showing
wealthy kiwis pay significantly lower tax rate than middle-income
families will enable future discussions on tax policy to be based on
solid evidence
NZ Local Government
Magazine Views on revamped three waters reform
Newstalk ZB
Barry Soper on the new IRD data revealing how much tax the wealthiest
Kiwis pay
SunLive Super-wealthy:
Reports show large tax gap in NZ
RNZ Revenue
Minister on report that found richest paying half as much tax as
average New Zealander
NZ Herald Election
2023: How National, Labour placed to fight cost-of-living election,
the Chris Luxon and Chris Hipkins battle and the voters they think
will decide it
Newshub Ruth
Richardson, Finance Minister behind infamous 'Mother of all Budgets',
not convinced Govt can rein in
Kiwiblog Revealed:
Who funds the Taxpayers’ Union
Times CEO
cops flack for 'airing his dirty laundry' in conflict with Gore mayor
Ben Bell
NZ Herald On
the Tiles: Ruth Richardson on fiscal, monetary and tax
Stuff Who
should pay for local body politicians' parliamentary
Newstalk ZB Former
Finance Minister predicts Labour's no-frills budget will present no
The Working Group with
Matt McCarten, Jordan Williams and Mike Treen