Friend, Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing following the shocking revelations regarding Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ repeated and willful violations of federal ethics requirements. Predictably, Senate Republicans wasted no time rushing to defend, as Senator Lindsey Graham put it, “our folks [on the Supreme Court].”[1] The problem with defending such unethical behavior from Clarence Thomas – or any justice of the Supreme Court – is that it gives tacit permission to members of our nation’s highest court to continue flouting judicial ethics that every other federal judge must adhere to. It’s why People For is doubling down on our demand for accountability for Justice Thomas while also urging Congress to pass a robust code of ethics for the Supreme Court to prevent this from happening in the future. By signing this petition, you can join us in demanding that Justice Thomas be held accountable for his actions. Together, we can send a powerful message that we will not tolerate corruption in our highest court. Thanks for all that you do, Zach, People For the American Way
Sources: [1] "Senate Hearing Highlights Need for SCOTUS Ethics Rules" People For, 5/3/23