Tulsi Gabbard for President

Jack —

If the Iowa Caucus proved anything, it’s that we cannot rely on the party to serve the people.

If we want ALL our voices heard and all our votes counted, we must come together and demand it.

It’s in this spirit that Tulsi and voters from around the Granite State will gather today to call out CNN — and the establishment it serves — for its attempt to pick the winners and losers of this election, instead of letting the people hear for themselves and then decide.

Veteran and New Hampshire voter Kirk Hoppe will be joined by Tulsi today with his 32,000-strong (and counting) petition — he’s aiming for 50,000 by the time the CNN town halls go to air, and you can help get him there. Will you sign, and then share the petition with your friends?

In a week that has seen the party bungle the first caucus of the election, and change the rules of the debates in order to let a billionaire take the stage — nothing could be more important than standing with Tulsi in giving the party back to We, the People.

Together we can create a future that puts people before profits, never again sends an American soldier to die in a regime change war unworthy of their sacrifice, and instead re-invests our hard earned money back where it’s needed: Our schools, our hospitals, our clean energy future.

For the people —
Tulsi 2020