Democrats drop new permitting reform bills; CCLers lobby in Texas; Join us at our June conference 

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Weekly Briefing, May 3, 2023
Table of Contents:
Statement on House vote
Take action this week
Featured chapter in NC 
Upcoming trainings 
CCL on debt limit: We can't turn back on climate policy


Last week, House Republicans passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act, a bill to raise the debt limit that would also roll back many of the climate measures enacted in groundbreaking legislation last year.

In a statement, CCL said, "The legislation would gut the climate and clean energy provisions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), representing a 'two steps forward, one step back' pattern that we simply cannot afford on climate policy. We are disappointed to see that the House passed this legislation, thanks to the near-unified support of House Republicans."

In the days leading up to the House vote, many CCL volunteers called congressional offices, urging lawmakers to reject any legislation that would impede action to achieve U.S. climate goals. "We hope our volunteers’ voices will shape lawmakers’ future actions, encouraging them to leave climate policy intact through the debt ceiling debate and beyond," CCL's statement said.

The House measure is not expected to be passed in the Senate, and President Biden has promised to veto the bill if it reaches his desk. The debt limit issue could come to a head sooner than expected, as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently told congressional leaders that the government could run out of money as soon as June 1. As negotiations continue, CCL will watch closely to see if further action is needed to protect the clean energy incentives in the Inflation Reduction Act.



In other news this week: 

• Permitting reform: In the House, Democrats Sean Casten and Mike Levin released their proposal to speed up approvals, and in the Senate, Joe Manchin reintroduced his bill. Watch for a video update soon from our Government Affairs staff that will recap the latest developments and share how CCL is pushing the permitting conversation in a positive direction.

• Citizens’ Climate Radio: This month’s episode of Citizens’ Climate Radio dives into the not-so-cool effects of air conditioning on climate change.

• CCLers lobby in Texas: Texas volunteers recently organized a statewide lobby day, meeting with 66 offices — 47 Republicans and 19 Democrats.

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Join us next Tuesday to write a letter to the editor. CCL’s State and Local Media Coordinator, Charlotte Ward, hosts a monthly letter-writing workshop for volunteers on Zoom. The next workshop takes place on Tuesday, May 9. Join us for an action-packed hour discussing timely topics, writing your letter, and polishing it up so it’s ready to be published.

If you have more time: Plan to lobby on Capitol Hill in June. Our June conference and lobby day are fast approaching, with just over two weeks left to register. The deadline is May 21, and the event takes place in D.C. on June 10-13. CCL’s government affairs staff says Congress needs to hear from us in person. Will you attend so Congress knows that climate is a priority in your district? Register today!

Featured: CCL Central and Cape Fear Region 

CCL puts a heavy emphasis on relationships — with each other, with our members of Congress, and with our communities. One chapter really bringing that value to life is CCL Central and Cape Fear Region in North Carolina. Led by Phyllis LeFevre, Deborah Hooker and Pat LeGrand, the chapter is making a concerted effort to build bridges, connecting with right-of-center environmental groups and social justice organizations alike.

“We are collaborating with different organizations in our community, including the American Conservation Coalition, Interfaith Creation Care of the Triangle, and Carolina Jews for Justice to build community and work together,” Phyllis says.

The chapter partnered with the right-leaning American Conservation Coalition for a North Carolina Arbor Day event this spring (pictured above). Phyllis says, “At the event, we recognized that we can work together on healthy forests and permitting reform.” And next week, the chapter will be hosting a webinar focused on urban forestry and environmental justice and learning how to best partner with underserved communities.

Fantastic work, CCL Central and Cape Fear Region!

Are you connected with CCL in your community? Find your local chapter and get plugged in today.

Upcoming trainings

5/4: Farm Bill Basics - Tune in for a high level overview of the five-year cycle behind the Farm Bill, including the roles the House and Senate Committees play in the process and the climate provisions within this year's discussion. Join us!

5/11: Comparing Permitting Reform Proposals Across the Political Spectrum - In this training, CCL Research Coordinator Dana Nuccitelli will detail the permitting reforms proposed by progressives, centrists, and conservatives. Attendees will learn what the important components are and where there is potential for bipartisan compromise. Join us!

Need training on the basics? Catch our next session of Core Volunteer Training, made for newer volunteers:

5/9: Economics of Carbon Fee & Dividend Policies - Join Robert Archer, US-AID economist (retired) and CCL Economic Policy Network co-lead for a webinar on three key dimensions of carbon fee and dividend policy. Join us!

To see other topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community.


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