From Jim Robb - <[email protected]>
Subject ALL HANDS ON DECK!!!! Title 42 is ending but HR 2 can fix border crisis! Vote is next week
Date May 3, 2023 8:43 PM
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Immigration crisis:




NumbersUSA joins coalition to stop immigration lawlessness

*** $400,000 2-FOR-1 ***

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Dear John,

President Biden is about to face pressure like never before to control immigration. We're already experiencing the worst flood of illegal immigrants in history, and the crisis is about to go into overdrive when he ends Title 42. He will try to act tough, even calling in the military. But nothing he will do can stem the flood. That's because for all his tough talk and grandstanding actions, it's all just theater. Most of the aliens will simply walk right past the Army because Pres. Biden has validated the lawlessness.

His administration and his puppet journalists are going to say there's nothing that could possibly be done. You and I know differently. And refreshingly, so does the Republican leadership in the House of Representatives. H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act will override the president's wilful acts to erase the borders which define America. We must get it passed.

This bill is likely to go to the floor for a vote BY NEXT WEEK. We MUST keep the momentum swinging in our direction.

We need your help. We need to raise $400,000 for our campaign to pass a bill to secure the border. The good news is that some major donors have already pledged $200,000 for a matching campaign. For every dollar up to $200,000, they'll donate another dollar.

Now we need to raise $200,000 from the rest of our donors for them to match.

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This WILL be tough to get past the Senate. Here's the thing, though: Even Pres. Trump never had the opportunity to sign such a strong bill into law, because Congress never sent him one.

But with the current crisis, Pres. Biden had better sign H.R. 2, or the next president will. That's what passing H.R. 2 will do: pierce through the bubble of Washington do-nothings who say the problem cannot be solved.

If the House doesn't pass H.R. 2 now, it may never do so.

This would be the BEST BORDER-SECURITY BILL EVER PASSED in the entire history of NumbersUSA. The Heritage Foundation, FAIR, Eagle Forum, Freedom Works, Judicial Watch, Heritage Action, and many others...

NumbersUSA has the largest membership and grassroots activism of any organization of the bunch. We specialize in building grassroots and connecting those voters to their elected officials. And right now, your donation will be twice as powerful.

Again: our major donors have already pledged $200,000 for a matching campaign. For every dollar up to $200,000, they'll donate another dollar.

So if you donate $25, we'll get $50.

If you donate $100, we'll get $200.

If you donate $1,000, we'll get $2,000.

I could go on and on! But you get the point... We need you to make the most generous donation you can right now.

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Here's what you need to know about H.R. 2:

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote to you excited that the Judiciary Committee passed H.R. 2640. Everything that was in that bill is in this bill. House leadership combined that bill with a few other immigration-related items from other committees. By giving it the number H.R. 2, the House leadership expresses that this is high-priority legislation.

H.R. 2 would...

... require employers to use E-verify to make sure newly hired workers are legally present in America. This is our top legislative priority!

... fix loopholes in our current law that help economic migrants abuse the system created for asylum seekers, by...

... raising the bar for asylees to establish "credible fear"

... requiring asylees to remain in Mexico or their home countries while waiting for their cases to be heard

... suspending entry for aliens when DHS isn't able to detain, return or remove illegal aliens.

...ending catch-and-release, so aliens caught in America illegally can't get paroled or be allowed to remain.

... allow accompanied minors only be released to lawfully present parents or legal guardians.

... send most unaccompanied minors back home to their parents in their home countries.

... apply civil and criminal penalties to aliens who overstay their visas.

But, John, none of this is going to happen if we can't get this bill past Congress.


So please... we need your help and we need it quickly!

This is a big deal. That's why we've launched our largest fund-raising campaign ever. That's why major donors have already stepped forward to pledge $200,000.

Please give today!

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Keep the faith and don't ever give up!

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Jim Robb
VP Operations and Development

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small, fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.
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