Friend — After major wins to protect reproductive health care in 5 states last November, we knew extremist officials were going to come after ballot measures as a means to stop more abortion wins from being enacted by voters. And now the media is starting to take notice:
We know it’s no coincidence, after years of experience winning progressive policies in red states and fighting back against extremist officials when they didn’t like the policies we’ve helped to pass — we knew this was coming.
Our executive director, Kelly Hall even said it best in this New York Times article:
“There are a lot of elected officials leading state legislatures that are being unapologetic, brazen, relentless — choose your adjective — about the fact that they don’t care what voters think on this issue and that their ideological stance on this is going to dictate the outcome,”
We want to know if you agree, friend —
Do you think extremist officials are actively working against voters when it comes to reproductive health care?
NO →
Thanks for your input, team. We’re grateful for your support.
FP Team