I’ve only been in the House for a few months now, but one thing has already been made painfully clear to me:
Republicans have zero interest in actually governing.
GOP obstructionism is on full display thanks to McCarthy’s debt ceiling proposal, which reads like a ransom note to secure cuts to earned government benefits.
We’re going to have to fight for every inch of progress, and step one is taking back the House in 2024. Can you chip in $25 to help defend my seat and flip the chamber?
During my first few months in office, I’ve learned that progress doesn’t happen overnight — and we have to push for the change we want to see.
I’ve seen up close that while Democrats are working to improve folks’ lives, the GOP would rather make their rich friends even richer.
I’ve witnessed the influence of GOP super PACs and corporate donors — but with enough of us, we can outflank their dark money spending and win.
There’s no path to flipping the House if we lose this district. Will you pitch in $25 to keep KY-03 blue and give Democrats the House majority in 2024?
Thank you for your support.
Morgan McGarvey