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May 3, 2023

Water: Sustaining Bird Life - Migratory Bird Day Workshop


When: Thursday, May 11, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Members: FREE
Non-Members: $10

Join Greg Butcher for a seminar on World Migratory Bird Day. This year’s theme is Water, which is essential to sustaining life. Virtually all migratory birds rely on water and its associated habitats at some point during their life cycles. Lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, wetlands, and coastal waters are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and as places to rest and refuel during long seasonal migrations. Unfortunately, these aquatic ecosystems are becoming increasingly threatened around the world, and so are the migratory birds that depend on them. Greg also will  talk about the World Migratory Bird Day count on May 13 and how to participate.

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