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The jihadist who stabbed two shoppers had boasted of trying to join Islamic State and was devoted to a notorious preacher who inspired another convicted
terrorist behind a similar knife attack.
Unregistered educational settings in the London borough of Hackney, the vast majority of which are Jewish faith academies or yeshivas, have been "put on
notice" by safeguarding bosses over child safety.
The Church of England has "leaders who preach one thing and practise something completely different" when it comes to sex, according to a prominent member of
the church's ruling body.
Northern Ireland's justice minister has said she is willing to consider the policy of '50/50 recruitment' to encourage more officers from Catholic
backgrounds to join the force.
A French teenager who received death threats after footage of her criticising Islam went viral online has come out of hiding to defend her atheist
Donald Trump has said he will ask Congress to pass legislation to ban what he called "late-term" abortions, adding that people of all political beliefs must
"agree that every human life is a sacred gift from God".
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