The Iowa Democratic Party just released some Caucus results. As we predicted, Joe Biden is in fourth place.
NBC's Chuck Todd reacted, "Fourth place for Biden is catastrophic."
Meanwhile, MSNBC's Ari Melber says "Elizabeth Warren, who was starting to be undervalued a little bit, is also coming in really well. Who would've told you a year ago that Elizabeth Warren would be out ahead of Joe Biden?" Now, Warren's finishing a strong third -- just a few points behind Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders, both of whom were in the low to mid 20% range.
Going into New Hampshire, it's a 3-person race. In Iowa, so many people told us things like, "I love Elizabeth Warren. I want her to be President." But some wondered if Biden was invincible, inevitable, or most electable. Now it's clear, he is none of those. His campaign is catastrophically damaged.
Please also share this 20-second video of Chuck Todd and Ari Melber analyzing the race on Facebook and on Twitter -- and forward this email to others.
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-- PCCC Elections Team
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