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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,
Today, for World Press Freedom Day, I wanted to take a moment to share with you some thoughts about how CPJ–with your help–is making a difference for journalists most at-risk.

In September 2021, I visited Doha, Qatar to meet with a group of journalists CPJ helped to evacuate from Afghanistan amid the Taliban takeover of their country. Some of the journalists had fled their home country alone, leaving everything and everyone behind in a hurry.

Now free from harm, life ahead nevertheless remained uncertain.

On the ground in Doha, CPJ provided certainty and support to the journalists as we worked to help them in the resettlement process, and to begin to envision with them what life in exile might look like. Upon arrival in their new home countries, we assisted with financial grants to ensure they could cover basic needs for the first few months in exile.

As time went by and the ongoing crisis of the Taliban takeover began to fade from the news cycle, CPJ continued to receive and process requests for emergency assistance from Afghan journalists.

Six months after the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, Russia invaded Ukraine, and CPJ moved from one crisis to the next, stepping up again to provide safety guidance, first aid kits, trauma support, and other crucial types of assistance to journalists that would keep those covering the war as safe as possible.

As with Afghanistan, we again saw requests for assistance and relocation and a record year for the support we provided to journalists globally: direct assistance to 548 journalists in 50 countries–425 journalists with financial support and 123 journalists with non-financial support in 2022.

That, of course, is only a partial view of how CPJ assists journalists. Our program staff are also in constant contact with at-risk journalists, documenting and reporting on the threats against them. And through advocacy with multilateral institutions and at the highest levels of government, we work to keep the press free and hold country officials accountable before, during, and after any crisis arises.

From addressing the crisis to providing emergency support, never has there been a time where standing with CPJ could make such a long-lasting difference.

That’s why I’m thrilled that this year’s World Press Freedom Day includes a pledged match that will double your donation until we meet our goal of $50,000. Reaching that goal would allow CPJ to provide life-saving support to journalists facing emergencies, whether it’s first aid kits to journalists in Ukraine; safety information to journalists in crisis in Myanmar; assistance to journalists who have no choice but to go into exile; or covering the costs of soap, food, and water to a journalist in prison because of their work.

We hope you’ll also consider maximizing your impact, as well, by signing up to be a monthly donor to CPJ. However you choose to make a difference this World Press Freedom Day, we and the journalists we serve are truly grateful you’re partnering with us in our mission.


Lucy Westcott
Emergencies Director

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Committee to Protect Journalists
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