Puppies Locked in a Cage.

Tell Congress: Support the Puppy Protection Act!

Take Action


Imagine a dog who spends her whole life in a cage, her feet never touching grass—instead she stands on a wire floor. She receives no human affection and has no room to run or play. There is little food or protection from harsh weather, and little-to-no veterinary care if she becomes injured or sick. She is forced to breed again and again, until her body gives out.

Imagine her puppies—taken away from their mother at barely two months old and shipped to pet stores. Many have untreated illnesses and behavioral problems from being taken from their mothers so early and the terrible conditions in which they were raised.

Friend, that is life in a puppy mill and these animals need you to speak up for them now. The Puppy Protection Act would address many of the worst abuses dogs suffer in USDA-licensed puppy mills. But your legislator needs to hear from you: Tell them to support the Puppy Protection Act now!

Take Action

Right now, dog breeders licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture are required to provide only the bare minimum survival standards for these dogs, without strong enough provisions requiring exercise, feeding twice per day, and protection from extreme temperatures. 

And breeders are not obligated to try to find a home for mother dogs when they can no longer produce—meaning once mother dogs are deemed no longer useful, they’re often simply discarded or worse, killed.

But you can help these dogs and help stop abuses in puppy mills by taking action today. Please urge your legislator to support the Puppy Protection Act.

Together we can end this suffering!

Thank you,

Sara Amundson Signature

Sara Amundson
Humane Society Legislative Fund

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