Patrick Neville served as Colorado State Representative from 2014 – 2022, including four years as Minority Leader. He first attended the Statemen Academy in 2016. He experienced firsthand the enormous value of the Academy as it equipped him to be a light and witness, both in the capitol and for his constituents. |
“Colorado, being a bluer state, is tough. When you go into a Capitol building, you have every force against you. Every lobbyist arguing for more woke capitalism or a bigger piece of the government pie. Yet, when you have something like The Statesmen Academy that actually grounds you and prepares you, you can walk in there and do what’s right for your constituents and for what God needs you to do.” ~Patrick Neville, Colorado State Representative District 45, 2014-2022.
For many like Patrick, serving in elected office is a calling... “to serve my God, to serve my constituents,” as he puts it. The Statesmen Academy ensures these men and women serve well—and are equipped for what God has called them to.
Your support is critical! The number of men and women who want to participate in The Statesmen Academy (and our newly created School Board Academy™) continues to grow. The number of Statesmen we can raise up in 2023 depends on what you and other friends GIVE NOW!