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Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023


Disarm the IRS, De-Militarize the Bureaucracy, and Dismantle the Standing Army

John & Nisha Whitehead

What China Is Really Playing at in Ukraine

Pepe Escobar

Crystal Balls, Soothsayers, and AI, Oh My!

Charles Hugh Smith

The Single Dumbest Thing The Empire Asks Us To Believe

Caitlin Johnstone

How Pfizer Bribes Led to Vaccine Mandates

Dr. Joseph Mercola

We Can’t Afford to Let Biden ‘Finish the Job’

Peter Schiff

The Corona Agenda’s ‘Abiding Ironies’: Freedom, Slavery and Singularity

Dr. Emanuel Garcia

FDIC Cash Balance Covers 1.27% of All Insured Deposits

Helena Glass

Another One Down? First Republic Bank Fails, FDIC Sells It to JP Morgan

Daisy Luther

Epstein Calendar Reveals ‘Shadow Nobility’ Running The World

Alexandra Bruce

Now Progressives Are Sneering at Economics

Christopher Chantrill

Spooking The Beast

The Good Citizen

Political Theatre

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