A hungry lone polar bear scours the Arctic water for something to eat. She’s
suffering from starvation and malnutrition and is too weak to keep paddling. As
she desperately grasps onto the nearest ice patch that has melted offshore like
a liferaft, she drifts along the water, hoping to make it back to land…
Due to human-driven global warming, the Arctic is melting TWICE as fast as the rest of the world. Within the next 31 years, scientists predict the
region will be completely ice-free, and polar bears will completely lose their fragile habitat.
As a result, polar bears are clinging to survival, and the Southern Beaufort Sea
population is the most imperiled in the world, with only 900 of these beloved animals remaining.
Now, the Biden administration has just approved a rule allowing increased oil
and gas activities in the Arctic, putting this vulnerable species at even great
risk of EXTINCTION. Please don’t let Big Oil WIPE OUT these endangered polar bears. Act now before
it’s too late! >>
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[[link removed]]If this new administrative rule is enacted, the fossil fuel industry will have
FREE REIGN to bombard the Arctic with reckless oil drilling and massive construction -- bringing in industrial-size vessel traffic, harmful noise and air pollution,
and toxic waste into delicate polar bear habitats.
This increase in oil and gas activity will drive away critical food sources, disrupt bear denning sites, and could even impair polar bear survival mechanisms, such as their ability to feed, hunt, and tend to their baby bear cubs.
The U.S. The Fish and Wildlife Service has confirmed a 95% probability that this new oil and gas activity will cause serious injury or death to polar bears!
So why has FWS swept these findings under the rug, Friend? It’s time for FWS to do the right thing and hold Big Oil accountable for
threatening the fate of innocent polar bears. But if we’re going to apply enough public pressure and help save our precious
polar bears, we need 4,211 more environmentalists like you to speak up before
11:59 P.M. Add your name now to tell FWS: No more dirty energy handouts! >>
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[[link removed]]Your voice is critical in this fight,
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