A couple of quick items for you, John:

First off, I want to thank you for helping us reach our April fundraising goal. I’m so grateful to have such a strong group of grassroots supporters, and I’m excited to keep our momentum going into the Summer.

Second, I have a big update from Capitol Hill. You may recall that House Republicans recently passed their dirty energy bill, a fossil fuel wish list that would actually increase greenhouse gas emissions.

In response, my friend Sean Casten (D-IL) and I released the Clean Electricity and Transmission Acceleration Act. We just released the discussion draft of our new bill last week.
Our bill would prioritize renewable energy projects and transmission infrastructure. It would bolster our commitment to solar, wind, and clean energy jobs.

More handouts for the fossil fuel industry won't cut it. We must move toward a sustainable energy future.

Kickstarting the clean energy transition is one of my top priorities, and this bill would go a long way in doing just that. Will you help me build support for expanding renewable energy by adding your name to support our legislation?
Add Your Name

Thanks in advance, and stay tuned for updates.

