Earlier today, my colleagues and I on the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Supreme Court ethics reform.
We reached out to Justice Thomas to bring him in to testify, and he declined. Chief Justice Roberts declined as well.
Here is the truth: If the Supreme Court will not police themselves, then Congress must come in and establish clear standards for investigating potential misconduct, ensure there are better, clearer standards for recusal, and make sure there’s an enforceable code of ethics that Supreme Court Justices would be held to.
The Supreme Court should be eager to address these issues and restore public confidence in their decisions — but if they won’t act, then we in Congress must.
The highest Court in the land should not have the lowest ethical standards.
Members of Congress have limitations on who they can receive gifts from and in which amounts, have to disclose all sources of income, and have to recuse themselves from votes in which they have a conflict of interest.
This is because of our clear and enforceable ethical standards — something the Supreme Court lacks right now, and which my bill would address.
Thank you. This is a big deal, and it means a lot to have your support.
- Alex Padilla
Paid For By Alex Padilla for Senate
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