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Dear Press Freedom Supporter,
Tomorrow, on World Press Freedom Day, CPJ will ring Nasdaq's opening bell. You can tune in here to watch.

As we ring the bell, we are calling on the international community to demand the release of the hundreds of journalists unjustly imprisoned worldwide.

Last year, CPJ documented 363 journalists behind bars, a 30-year high, reflecting a broader crackdown on the press globally. At CPJ, we know that journalism is not a crime, and we will continue to fight for your right to information.

We also need your help to defend it. After all, press freedom is your freedom. Thanks to a generous pledge, any gift you give this week can go even further. To mark World Press Freedom Day, gifts are being matched dollar for dollar until we reach our goal of $50,000.

Show your support by making a gift now to ensure CPJ can continue to advocate for journalists behind bars. A monthly donation  in particular helps sustain CPJ’s mission throughout the year. CPJ also accepts gifts of stock. For more information about gifts of securities, click here.

We hope you’ll join us tomorrow across social media as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day and call on governments worldwide to #FreeThePress. 

However you choose to show your support, thank you for standing with us as we work together to keep the press free–and keep all of us informed. 


Jodie Ginsberg 

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Committee to Protect Journalists
P.O. Box 2675
New York, NY 10108 - United States