John — Josh Hawley is up for re-election to the U.S. Senate in 2024 — and I’m the 13-year Marine veteran who’s going to replace him.
Watch our brand new launch video, then become one of the first founding donors of our grassroots movement by splitting a donation between me and Daughters Defend today.

[ Watch the launch video >> ]
You know Josh Hawley. He’s been climbing the ladder in Missouri to become another corrupt, career politician.
But here’s where you’ll best recognize him:

He’s the guy who pumped his fist at insurrectionists outside the Capitol on January 6th, then ran for his life just a few hours later.
When things get tough, Missourians deserve a U.S. Senator who will stand up and fight for them — not run away like a coward.
If you’re ready to send a real warrior for working people to the U.S. Senate, I need you on my team. Can I count on you to become a founding donor to my grassroots campaign by splitting a donation between me and Daughters Defend today?
In 2024, we’ll have a real shot to take back power from corrupt politicians and corporate elites like Josh Hawley. This is our chance to put everyday working people in charge of our country.
Let’s get moving,
Lucas Kunce
