Dear Friend,
A year ago, a night like this seemed unimaginable to me.
A year ago, I was lost. My wife and children were stranded in Yemen because of the Muslim Ban and I hadn’t even met my newborn daughter. As an American citizen, I know this was wrong. I had just joined a Muslim Advocates lawsuit against the Muslim Ban to ensure that my family got waivers.
Since then, life has been a whirlwind. I’m now reunited with my beautiful family and, tonight, I’m a special guest of Congresswoman Judy Chu at the State of the Union.
It was a long path to get here. We had to go through months of trouble with the State Department, travel thousands of miles between Yemen, the United States, Djibouti and Sudan, sue the government, and even testify before Congress on the Muslim Ban.
But tonight, all of those worries seem so distant. Tonight, I’m a whole man, reunited with my wife and two children and representing my community at the U.S. Capitol. The Washington Post even documented my story in a video that shows just how much work goes into fighting the Muslim Ban.
There are countless people like me across America who won’t be reunited with their families and who will never see the inside of the Capitol Dome.
But the President just expanded the ban. We have to stop the Muslim Ban so that what happened to my family doesn’t happen to others. That's why I'm here today.
Thank you for supporting Muslim Advocates. They’ve supported me and so many families like mine.
Ismail Alghazali
Muslim Advocates
PS - If you didn't get a chance to watch the Washington Post documentary, please do. It's powerful to see all the work happening to stop the ban. Click below to check it out.