Last week, I was excited to unveil with my colleagues in Congress our "Moving Forward" plan to reinvest $760 billion over the next five years in a robust improvement of our nation's infrastructure, which will generate over 10 million new jobs. 
This infrastructure improvement plan is a commonsense approach to repairing our roads and bridges, improving our water infrastructure, and building out our sustainable transportation systems, like Phoenix's Valley Metro Light Rail.
CHIP IN — Support my efforts to build robust infrastructure for Arizona >>
That's why today I called on President Donald Trump to use his State of the Union address tonight to bridge our national divides and announce his support for our "Moving Forward" infrastructure plan that will grow our economy and build a sustainable national future. 
Look, now more than ever we need the Administration and Congressional leaders to put aside their differences to make critical investments in our infrastructure and I am prepared to do the hard work in Washington to make that happen.
If you support my leadership in working to collaboratively build out 21st Century infrastructure across the country, will you chip in today to my re-election campaign? DONATE »
Thank you for supporting my commonsense vision for our shared American future, 
--  Greg
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Stanton for Congress
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