HIGH-PRESSURE water, sand, and chemicals BLAST into the ground, cracking the
Earth and releasing NOXIOUS GAS! As the GROUND SHAKES, ANIMALS FLEE in terror,
and SULFUR fills the air.
What was a crisp morning on our public lands has become a screeching nightmare
for animals and nearby communities. This terrifying scene is the result of the
Department of Interior handing our public lands over to corporate polluters so
they can frack for profit. There are just a FEW DAYS LEFT for you to help STOP this from happening on Nevada’s public lands. Friend, if 1 of every 9 people reading this email takes
action, we can SEND A MESSAGE TO THE DOI: don’t let fracking DESTROY our public
lands. Please add your name by 11:59 pm TONIGHT!
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Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Fracking POISONS air, water, and land with pollution, endangering nearby
communities. People exposed to fracking can experience coughing fits, dizziness, nausea, and BLISTERING headaches. To make matters worse, polluted rivers and lakes can CONTAMINATE community drinking water.
The DOI is poised to turn over our public lands to corporate polluters,
Friend. That’s why I’m reaching out to you today -- because there’s so little time left for us to stop this. But we can stop it -- if environmentalists like you STAND UP to corporate polluters and demand the
DOI conserve public lands. PROTECT public lands from FRACKING! Add your name by 11:59 pm TONIGHT!
[[link removed]]
Sign the petition
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil Fuels Program Manager,
Friends of the Earth
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