News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

As I begin another busy week in Texas, I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional district, and our country as a whole:

A big win for fiscal sanity
Last week, House Republicans passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act; a bill which would cut spending and put the nation on the path to fiscal sanity, while responsibly raising the debt ceiling. The bill –which includes many provisions proposed by the House Freedom Caucus – would rein in wasteful spending right now and in the future, unleash the American economy through pro-growth policies, and save the United States nearly $5 trillion over the next decade.   

House Republicans have done our job by passing this bill in the House – now the American people will watch as Senator Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden decide whether to further run up the deadline on the debt ceiling or roll up their sleeves and work with Republicans to put America on the right fiscal path.


I laid out my thoughts further in an op-ed I wrote for The Federalist.

Where’s President Biden?
Today, I joined Harris Faulkner to discuss how President Biden is burying his head in the sand and is refusing to come to the table and negotiate with House Republicans on the debt ceiling. Even worse, the president’s administration is lying about veterans’ benefits by using the men and women who have defended this republic as political props to advance his narrative and cover up his incompetence. 

President Biden must stop lying and hiding from this issue and start doing his job. 


Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
Rep. Chip Roy Says He Has Prescription to Secure Southern Border
GOP pushes ahead with debt ceiling vote after late night of negotiating, tweaks to the bill
EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Cruz, Rep. Roy Call On Medical Center To Explain Employee Remarks About Performing Sex Changes On Minors
Republicans to debut sweeping immigration bill with vote in coming weeks



Congressional Art Competition – deadline extension  
The deadline to submit artwork for the 2023 Congressional Art Competition has been extended to May 11th, 2023.

For more information on Art Competition rules and submissions visit 

Passport resources
The State Department is encouraging passport applications and renewals during the off-peak travel season in fall or winter because demand is lower, and processing is faster. 

Please remember to check your passport expiration date and keep in mind some countries require your passport to be valid for six months after your visit. You can find information on how to apply or renew your passport here.

If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices. 

If your friends, relatives, or neighbors would also like to sign up for these weekly updates, they can do so by sending my office a quick email or simply by signing up here. For more up-to-the-minute updates, you can follow my press team on Facebook and Twitter.


Chip Roy
Member of Congress

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