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May 2, 2023

Freedom To Learn National Day of Action
May 3, 2023

“Because we know that attacks on knowledge are fueling threats to freedom, and that repression in one place fuels its spread elsewhere, we call for global resistance to all efforts to destroy the vital tools that help us to imagine and create more equitable and inclusive futures for us all.” —African American Policy Forum

A collage of covers of banned and challenged books, including The Color Purple and The 1619 Project.

Freedom To Learn

Now more than ever, it’s crucial to champion education that is inclusive, honest and promotes critical thinking among young people. To strengthen our democracy, we must resist campaigns that aim to ban books and censor or silence social justice movements. According to the American Library Association, there were at least 1,269 demands to censor books in 2022. Most of the books being banned today feature protagonists of color or titles that center the experiences of LGBTQ+ people.

In response to this climate of fear and censorship, the African American Policy Forum has called for a “Freedom To Learn” National Day of Action on Wednesday, May 3. One way we are participating at Learning for Justice is by compiling this new list of resources to support the Freedom To Learn cause. These resources, including specific calls to action, can help families advocate for the freedom to obtain an honest and inclusive education in their communities and in schools.

Read more here.

Article Spotlight

Freedom to Learn National Day of Action

The Freedom to Learn Network has called for a National Day of Action on Wednesday, May 3, to “defend the truth and to protect the freedom to learn.” The Freedom to Learn National Day of Action is an opportunity to resist the alarming and regressive battle being waged against social justice education in our communities. You can learn more about the Freedom to Learn Network here and sign up for the National Day of Action here.

Professional Development Opportunities

Four adults having a discussion around a table in an office with laptops.

Professional Learning Workshops: Just Four Spring Workshops Left!

LFJ offers virtual open-enrollment professional learning workshops for current K-12 classroom teachers, administrators and counselors, and for anyone who coaches classroom teachers and administrators. There are four spring workshops remaining, all held next week. Check out our list of available workshops and register today!

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