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In Washington, China is a four-letter word and the excuse for everything

By Blaise Malley on May 02, 2023 03:26 am

Lawmakers have introduced nearly 275 measures this session, while bureaucrats are busy using the CCP to justify ballooning budgets.
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Where has US leverage with Russia gone?

By Zachary Paikin on May 01, 2023 03:16 am

Much of the problem is that Washington has been averse to addressing Moscow’s relationship to the European security order.
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Lawmakers deploy ‘Munich’ trope to push dangerously hawkish Ukraine resolutions

By Daniel Larison on Apr 28, 2023 03:01 am

Bipartisan measures in House and Senate would ensure NATO membership and that 'victory' means restoration of 1991 borders.
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Why did Sen. Tuberville bet against this Taiwan company in stock trade?

By Connor Echols on Apr 28, 2023 03:00 am

The moves by this China hawk — who just happens to be on the armed services committee — raise big conflict of interest concerns.
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DoD: Retired US officers marching into work for foreign governments

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Apr 26, 2023 02:40 pm

DoD laundry list exposes how much money is on offer for military brass looking to cash in on their connections and influence
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Time for Biden to come clean on Ukraine

By George Beebe on Apr 26, 2023 02:23 am

The leaks appear to show that officials' understanding of the war is at odds with their public statements, raising the specter of Vietnam.
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