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Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023


Congress Ignores Real Debt Ceiling Drama

Ron Paul, MD

Pfizer, FDA, Dr Walensky Knew Fetuses, Babies Died

Dr Naomi Wolf

The Neocons and Their Rise to Power

Ron Unz

‘One Health’ — The Global Takeover of Everything

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Corona: Creating the Illusion of a Pandemic Through Diagnostic Tests

Jon Rappoport

Tucker, Blackrock and the SIFI Two-Step

Tom Luongo

The Scary Truth About Living in Big Cities During the Turbulent Times Ahead

Jeff Thomas

‘Securing Ourselves Is in Our Hands; and Defeat of the Enemy Lies in His Own Hands’

Alastair Crooke

Covid Reckoning Is Underway

Igor Chudov

Reigniting Charlottesville

Sarah Cain

Martial Law And Gun Confiscation

Klark Barnes

15 Minutes to Hell

Dr. Joseph Sansone

Political Theatre

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