Dear Friend,
This morning, His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, offered the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, for all the intentions of the Operation
Storm Heaven Rosary Warriors, as well as all who submitted intentions,
on the Memorial of St. Joseph the Workman. The Holy Mass was live
streamed from Cardinal Burke’s private chapel in Rome, Italy. After
the Holy Mass, His Eminence led us in the recitation of the Holy
In his homily, Cardinal Burke touched upon St. Joseph, the true
spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Virginal Father of Our Lord
Jesus Christ and Protector of Holy Church, honoring him as a
“We understand this feast especially through a letter of St. Paul
to the Colossians, in which he exhorts us to use the gifts which God
has given us, in order to give glory to God and thus to serve our
neighbor. So, we understand that the work – its origin is punishment
for the sins of our first parents – punishment for the rebellion
against God. By the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, becomes now the
way in which we realize ourselves as true sons and daughters of God,
cooperating with the grace given to us in the Sacraments of Baptism,
Confirmation – the graces sustained in us through the Holy Eucharist.
This grace transforms our lives and enables us to be true co-workers
with Christ in truth with Christ, to give glory to God the Father and
to work for our own salvation and the salvation of the world.”
His Eminence also mentioned the challenges in our lives, as well as
the seemingly apocalyptic challenges in the world as well, as in the
church and gives us spiritual inspiration:
“We turn to St. Joseph, to his intercession, this great heavenly
patron - great father in heaven, who continues, even as he did on this
earth to work, as an all just and all pure father, for the good of the
children of God. We ask him to intercede for the church and the world,
and for us – personally, so that we might, in our lives, imitate his
justice and his purity in honoring ourselves, our world, especially
the reality of God.”
“To have a heart which belongs totally to Our Lord Jesus Christ,
one with the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Purest Heart of St.
Joseph in serving Christ in all things – drawing our life, and the
direction of our life solely from His Most Sacred Heart.”
Here is the link to view
the Holy Mass, that includes Cardinal Burke’s homily, which begins at
29.28. His Eminence leading the Holy Rosary follows at the end of the
Holy Mass.
May St. Joseph, Provider for the
Son of God and Protector of the Holy Church, intercede for us, as we
strive to live a life of virtue and holiness, all for the glory of
Lovingly embracing the Sacred Heart
of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Purest Heart of St.

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family http://www.catholicaction.org/
P.S. Join us in
praying a short Nine-Day Novena to Our Lady of Fatima, from May 5-13,
which includes the Feast Day. Submit
your intentions for the
Nine Holy Masses that will be offered.
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