Mondays of Meaning

May 1st 2023 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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In this week’s edition, I explain how to initiate solving a problem. Then, I discuss the gold standard, the corruption and impending failure of the fiat system in the wake of inflation, why politicians are pushing inflation to astronomical new levels, and why they’re lying about it.


Set Yourself Forward To Solve A Problem

First, you admit that there is a problem. Second, you admit that you have something to learn. The third thing you do is to ask for revelation of the thing that you need to learn. And maybe you open yourself up to receipt of that in dialogue with someone else, but it is also something that can make itself manifest within. 

You might say, “Well, you thought that up.” That is not really how it works. You ask the question and if you are extraordinarily fortunate — maybe that means you were on your knees with sufficient intensity — a redemptive answer will make itself manifest, and that is the offering up, the sacrificial offering up, and the descent of something like the unifying spirit, practically speaking.

Throughout the past year, I have delved into some of the most challenging and thought-provoking topics of our time, and the content I have created represents the peak of my work so far. I am eager to share the knowledge and insights I have gained during this exhilarating journey – and help you benefit from it.

This means you can watch my series On Marriage, Logos & Literacy, as well as Vision & Destiny, and my exploration of the book of Exodus, to name a few. You will also find a complete library of all of my podcasts and lectures. I hope you’ll consider becoming a member and watching the fruits of my newest endeavors.

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My Most Recent Article

Why Marriage Is The Highest Form Of Play

What are you sacrificing to get married? Well, let’s think about it: What are you sacrificing? Foolish, juvenile, shortsighted, hedonistic, nihilist, cynical, psychopathic, impulsive promiscuity — that is what you are sacrificing. You might want to sacrifice that because that sounds like a pretty decent collection of demons, and you probably do not want that cluttering up your life. What? You are going to be Peter Pan? King of the Lost Boys? You are never going to grow up? What grows you up? Responsibility. Sacrifice. A vision of the future.

Read Here

This Week On The Podcast

Economic Storms Are Gathering | Peter Schiff | EP 353

Economist Peter Schiff and I discuss the gold standard, the corruption and impending failure of the fiat system in the wake of inflation, why politicians are pushing inflation to astronomical new levels, and why they’re lying about it. 

From The Archives

What is the responsibility of a parent? You are morally obligated to teach your children to be good partners in play.

Thank you for reading, 

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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