Can you help us fight back against the GOP’s wave of dark money?

Whitehouse for Senate


As the 2024 election gets closer, it’s worth looking at the Senate map. Democrats are defending seats in red states, and Republicans are positioned in safe seats across the board.

That means we need to defend every single Democratic senator to hold onto the one-seat majority that has allowed us to deliver for the American people and fend off far-right attempts to undermine women’s rights, undo climate progress, and pack the judicial branch with extremist judges.

Outside dark-money groups are hard at work raising funds for Republican candidates in Montana, Ohio, and West Virginia – just a few of the states where Democrats are on defense.

So, I’m personally asking if you can donate just $5 to help my team and I reach our fundraising goal so we can hold onto the Senate and expand our razor-thin one-seat majority next year.

Republicans are hoping to ride a wave of dark money to recapture the Senate. If they do, every move they make in Congress will be to please the special interests that funded their campaigns.

Democrats have more progress to make – on climate change, health care, the Supreme Court, and much more.

Can you donate today to help us defend our Senate majority so we can keep delivering for the American people?

Thank you,







Paid for by Whitehouse for Senate


Whitehouse for Senate
P.O. Box 40280
Providence, RI 02940
United States

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