John --
Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Pennsylvania Forward
Party's monthly newsletter. Here you will learn what the PA Forward
team is working on at the state and national level, meet featured
Forward leaders, and find opportunities to get involved. Most
importantly, Forwardists like you can now easily access
events and meetings for the coming month from one
centralized place. Read on to see how you can move Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Forward Party ForwardParty.com/Pennsylvania


Tell Us What's Important to You! Click Here to tell us what issues
are most important to you via Ranked Choice Voting. The Pennsylvania
Forward Party will use this information to help identify candidates
who truly reflect the policy and platform issues of everyday
The Pennsylvania Forward Party needs you.
Opportunities for leadership and committee positions are available. To
find out how you can get involved, email [email protected]

Christian Fyke of New Kensington will become the first State Chair
of the Pennsylvania Forward Party. He will be installed at the May
20th Leadership Summit in Gettysburg. To learn more about Christian,
Click Here
The Inaugural Pennsylvania Forward Summit Meeting is just a few
weeks away! Are you able to join us in Gettysburg, PA on Saturday May
20th? Read on to learn more about the day’s events. Read More
It's insane to think, but our Commonwealth forces us to register
with a major political party in order to exercise our right to vote.
Yet 1.1 million Pennsylvanians still choose to remain
unaffiliated. Read More
Opinion: Let's solve most of the worlds’ problems by
consolidating private charitable efforts towards Return on Investment
(ROI)-focused Basic Income (BI) that guarantees immediate financial
returns and creates a more sustainable system. Then we
can integrate content that educates, connects, inspires, and supports
the people who need it most, and in ways that will benefit future
generations, and voila: ROI BI. Read More