From Kerry Schumann - Wisconsin Conservation Voices <[email protected]>
Subject Mark your calendars: one month to The Big Share!
Date February 4, 2020 10:41 PM
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Our voices rise up
to protect this place we love
Wisconsin, our home

Dear John,

Have you ever found yourself so in awe of the natural world around you that you have to stop for a moment and take it all in?

Moments like these aren’t hard to come by here in Wisconsin – and that’s why we’re excited to invite you to celebrate them with us during The Big Share [[link removed]] – a day of online giving benefiting dozens of organizations working every day to make Wisconsin a great place to live.

This year, the Big Share is on Tuesday, March 3rd, and we want to hear what makes conservation voters like you stop and take it all in!

Just tell us what you love most about Wisconsin – your favorite landscape, your most cherished memory, what makes your hometown great – in haiku form (five syllables, seven syllables, five syllables). Then share it with us on social media during The Big Share!

When you join Wisconsin Conservation Voices for The Big Share, you’re helping support our work to ensure everyone in Wisconsin has safe, healthy drinking water; to bring clean energy to schools, towns, and cities across Wisconsin; and to ensure that all voters have the opportunity to make their voices heard at the ballot box.

Join us with a tax-deductible gift during The Big Share on March 3rd – or chip in your gift today and help us reach our Big Share goal of $18,000 to protect the Wisconsin you love! [[link removed]]

Thanks so much for your support of Wisconsin Conservation Voices – and The Big Share!

Kerry Schumann
Executive Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voices

P.S. In Japanese tradition, a haiku is like a verbal snapshot – a brief, lucid moment of wonder at the natural world around us, written in three lines: five syllables, then seven, then five syllables again. This year for The Big Share, we're asking what's your Wisconsin 5-7-5? Is it about a place you love? Is it about an issue you care deeply about? Get your haiku ready and share it with us during The Big Share on March 3rd!

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To send us any comments or feedback, just reply to this email. Thanks for your support!

Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States
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