Did you see our email from Jarvis, John?
He announced that we’re kicking off our National Phonebanking program next week! With your help, we’ll host 12 phonebanks in support of our endorsed candidates in Virginia.
But running national phonebanks like this costs resources — $150 per phonebank according to our calculations.
Can we count on you to help sponsor a phonebank by chipping in $5 — or any amount — today?
If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:
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You can read more about how important phonebanking is for local races in Jarvis’ original email below.
Thanks for your support!
Sister District
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jarvis Houston, Sister District [[email protected]]
Date: Friday, April 28, 2023
Subject: We set a goal to host 12 phonebanks next month — can you chip in to fund them?
To: John [[email protected]]
Hi John — it’s Jarvis, Organizing and Political Director here at Sister District.
Election Day is just over six months away, so the time for us to organize is now. That’s why we’re kicking off our National Phonebanking program on May 8!
Our team set a goal to host 12 phonebanks in May in support of our endorsed candidates in Virginia. We ran the numbers, and it will cost $1,800 — $150 per phonebank — to fund them.
Can you contribute $5 to sponsor a phonebank next month?
Sponsor a Phonebank »
One of the most impactful tasks we can do to move the needle in competitive state legislative races is making early dials.
In 2022, we called 30,150 voters and identified 1,151 supporters for Melissa Cerrato in Pennsylvania. Her victory by just 63 votes secured the Democratic majority in the Pennsylvania House. This works, John.
Early phone calls help our campaigns recruit local volunteers, identify undecided voters, build name recognition, and boost our candidates’ capacity to talk to voters on the doors.
But running a powerful national phonebanking program requires platform, staff, training, and recruitment costs, and we count on grassroots investors like you to help power them.
Can you please donate any amount to our National Phonebank Fund to sponsor a May phonebank today? Your donation will help us out-organize the far-right and give a powerful boost to our progressive candidates now — which will pay dividends in November.
Thank you — and stay tuned!

Jarvis Houston
Organizing and Political Director
Sister District Project
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Paid for by Sister District Project. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Donations to Sister District Project, a 527 organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.