President Trump will deliver his State of the Union address tonight. Check out the latest EPI research on the real state of the union—black workers, trade deals, wages, and tax cuts—before tuning in.

Primer—The state of the union for working people

In preparation for President Trump’s State of the Union speech, the Economic Policy Institute has assembled research from the last year that examines the real state of the union for working people on wages, manufacturing and trade, taxes, labor standards, housing, and immigration. Read the blog »

The state of the union for black workers: Myths and facts

As President Trump prepares to deliver his State of the Union address, here are three charts that show why the economy is still not “working great” for all black workers in America. Read the blog »

Trump’s ‘blue-collar boom’ is likely a dud

In his State of the Union address tonight, President Trump plans to extol the “blue-collar boom” in the economy along with his purported “great American comeback.” He’ll make these claims based on two recent signature trade deals—the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and a “phase one” deal with China. Unfortunately, both agreements will likely lead to more outsourcing and job loss for U.S. workers, and the facts just don’t support Trump’s claims about the broader economy. Read the blog »

As investment continues to decline, the Trump tax cuts remain nothing but a handout to the rich

President Trump is likely to tout the benefits of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) during his annual State of the Union address. Given that boosting business investment—eventually boosting wages—was the primary stated goal of the TCJA, the subsequent decline in business investment shows the TCJA was an unambiguous policy failure for working people, benefiting only the rich and corporations. Read the blog »
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Ready for tonight’s State of the Union address? Separate the labor facts from fiction
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