Governor Kim Reynolds 
Lt. Governor Adam Gregg   

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, May 1, 2023   
CONTACT: Kollin Crompton, (515) 745-2840, 
[email protected]  

Republican Leadership Announces Property Tax Reform Agreement 


DES MOINES – Gov. Reynolds, Senate Majority Leader Whitver, and Speaker Grassley have reached an agreement to provide property tax relief for Iowans. 


Gov. Reynolds, Senate Majority Leader Whitver, and Speaker Grassley released the following joint statement: 


“We’ve heard Iowans across the state voice their concern about out-of-control property taxes and the impact on family budgets. Today, we’ve come to an agreement on a path forward. This deal provides much-needed property tax relief for Iowans and lays the groundwork for even bolder reform in the future.  


“House File 718 curbs the growth of local governments in a responsible manner and begins reducing property taxes next year. It also provides additional relief for older Iowans and military families and requires property tax bill transparency. In total, the bill is estimated to provide $100 million in relief.  


“This is an important first step toward long overdue property tax reform. Iowa’s existing property tax code is outdated, overly complex, and costs Iowans too much of their hard-earned pay. Work on this issue is just getting started.” 


Governor Kim Reynolds released the following statement: 


“My commitment to cutting taxes for the hard-working people of Iowa has never been stronger. After enacting the largest tax cut in state history last year, I’m proud to work alongside the House and Senate to begin property tax reform this year. Earlier this session I signed legislation to make state government more efficient, effective, and less expensive for Iowa taxpayers. This serves as a model for local governments, and property tax reform is a good first step.” 


Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver released the following statement:  


“We heard the urgent concerns of Iowans about rising property assessments. This agreement delivers on our promise to protect homeowners from huge property tax increases. I appreciate Senator Dawson’s tireless work on this bill, which will result in the most significant property tax reform in our state’s history.” 


Speaker Pat Grassley released the following statement:  


“With House Republicans representing all 99 of Iowa's 99 counties, we are in a better position than ever to listen to Iowans. Our constituents spoke loud and clear that property tax relief must be a top priority this session and we got straight to work.  I am very proud of the work Representative Kaufmann has done to deliver on yet another promise made to Iowans. This is a good first step and we will continue to work hard to provide certainty and relief for Iowa taxpayers.” 




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