On Tuesday, our third Legislative Priority bill will have a vote on the House floor. SB 14, by Rep. Oliverson and Sen. Campbell, protects Texas children from so-called gender transition practices, including puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgical procedures to remove healthy body parts. We are very thankful for this critical legislation to save children from medical butchers and greedy pharmaceutical interests. Special thanks to Representative Oliverson and Senator Campbell, who are medical doctors and have put much time and effort into ensuring this priority bill survives the rigorous committee process and attacks from the Democrats.

We will fill the gallery on Tuesday wearing red t-shirts that say, “Save Texas Kids”, which were generously donated by our friends at the American Principles Project. We are grateful for all our Republican representatives who have signed onto this bill and expect swift passage so we can begin to stop the hideous mutilation and abuse of children by those actively preying on them.

There is also excellent news regarding our Stop Sexualization of Texas Kids priority. Bills relating to age verification for online pornography, SB 2021 by Sen. Paxton, HB 1181 by Rep. Shaheen, and HB 3570 by Rep. Schatzline, have been reported favorably out of Committee and sent to House Calendars. We look forward to them being placed for a floor vote in the coming days.

SB 12 by Sen. Hughes, which prohibits sexually oriented performances in front of minors, including drag shows, is awaiting a hearing in House State Affairs. Please start making calls to members, as House State Affairs has not heard a single bill referred to it pertaining to the sexualization of Texas kids.

Other priorities needing some action include Protect our Elections, Secure the Border, and Parental Rights and Educational Freedom.

SB 990 by Sen. Hall regarding precinct-based voting has passed the Senate and requires a hearing in the House Elections committee. This week the House Elections Committee will hear the following Senate bills:

5/4, House Elections 8:00 E2.016
- SB 924 Springer – consolidate certain precincts
- SB 1039 Bettencourt – addresses election irregularities
- SB 1599 Hughes – ballots vote by mail
- SB 1911 Bettencourt – including penalty for certain offenses in elections

• Our Priority bill to Secure the Border, HB 20 by Rep. Schaefer, has moved to Calendars Committee and should be coming up for a House floor vote shortly. HB 82, by Rep Spiller, Hefner, and Clardy, our other priority bill that creates an interstate compact for border security, was passed out of State Affairs and needs to be sent to Calendars.

• The Public Education Committee has 3 bills that need to be passed:

- HB 1149 Swanson, requiring parental consent for psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by a school district employee. This bill was passed by the Committee over a week ago but has not been sent to Calendars.

- SJR 29 by Paxton, proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a parent's right to direct a child's education, needs a hearing.

- HB 1804 by Leo-Wilson has 55 co-authors and ensures instructional materials adopted by the SBOE are free from social theories. The bill was heard in committee over a week ago but has not been voted out.

Action Steps:

1. Come to the Capitol Tuesday, May 2, and help us fill the House gallery! Wear red or pick up a free red Save Texas Kids t-shirt in Senator Bob Hall’s office, 4E.2. We need to pack the gallery just like we did to ban Democrat chairs. A few seats are left on one of two buses coming from the DFW area. Info is at NTXConservatives.com/bus-trips. We encourage other districts to caravan if possible.

2. Please call House State Affairs Chairman Todd Hunter and ask him to hear SB 12 and report HB 82 to Calendars.

3. Please call House Elections Chairman Reggie Smith and ask him to hear SB 990.

4. Call Education Chairman Brad Buckley at 512-463-0684 and ask him to advance HB 1149, SJR 29, and HB 1804.
For God and Texas,

Jill Glover


Chair, SREC Legislative Priorities Committee 

Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768

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