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The first two bills of our administration I signed into law were SB36 and SB1. These two bills are just some that will make Hawai‘i a better place for all of our citizens. SB36 makes our communities safer, so we can prosecute people who have committed crimes by clarifying the methods by which a person may be tried and sentenced. It also prohibits multiple attempts to initiate a felony prosecution for the same offense in certain situations. SB1 reaffirms a woman’s right to choose, by protecting the right to abortion under Hawai‘i law and protecting the healthcare workers who provide such services. I also signed several “good government” bills into law that will increase government transparency and access to public information for anyone who is seeking it. (Read more)


In a news conference at the State Capitol on April 17, Governor Green was joined by the Hawai‘i State Teacher’s Association (HSTA), the Department of Education (DOE), the Budget and Finance Director, and the Human Resources Development Director to announce a new tentative contract agreement to increase the pay for teachers and make it easier to recruit and retain them. (Read more) 


Since its establishment in 1975, the Hawaiʻi Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) Program has tirelessly protected the health, safety, welfare, and dignity of nearly 13,000 of Hawaiʻi’s most frail and dependent individuals living in Long-Term Care (LTC) facilities. (Read more)


Governor Green selected two new female judges to serve in the Hawai‘i State Judiciary. Michelle L. Drewyer was his first judicial appointment and will serve as a Circuit Court Judge in the Second Circuit (Maui County), and Kimberly Tsumoto Guidry was appointed to serve as a Judge on the Intermediate Court of Appeals. (Read more)
Governor Green, Palau President Surangel S. Whipps Jr., Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi,, Kanu Hawaiʻi, government and business leaders, and students from local schools joined together at the Hawaiʻi State Capitol on April 21 to sign the Pledge to Our Keiki. The Pledge was created by students statewide in the hope of sharing the message that Hawaiʻi is more than just a place to visit; it is an island home to many. It asks that people pledge to treat Hawai‘i with respect and reverence to preserve our islands’ future. (Read more)

The Lieutenant Governor and Second Gentleman Michael Luke, who are co-chairs of the 24th Annual State Employees’ Food Drive, kicked off the effort at a University of Hawaiʻi baseball game for the first time. The drive runs through May 19 and this year’s goal is to raise $150,000 and 70,000 pounds of food. Lt. Gov’s office is accepting monetary and food donations to reduce food insecurity across Hawaiʻi. (Read more)

About the Newsletter Design:

Created by longtime local design firm Eric Woo Design Inc., the newsletter header, or nameplate features symbolism that represents the title, “A New Path Forward.” The background color transitions from dark to lighter green as a metaphor for moving toward a goal, or light. The lei encircling our major islands represents both the giver (Governor Green’s Administration) and the recipient (the people of Hawai‘i) and shows the connection guided by affection and respect. The repeated, orange triangular ‘ohe kapala design visualizes a path to the future and reflects that forward movement is rarely perfectly straight.


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