
mySociety news

Modern slavery, Brexit, Citizens' Assemblies and more


Using FOI to understand what happens to victims of modern slavery

The UK's immigration system is supposed to identify and offer help to victims of human trafficking and modern slavery.

Data mapping project After Exploitation discovered, using WhatDoTheyKnow, that these vulnerable people are often being let down. Read the whole story here.

IPSA Brexit documents now released

Displaying impressive persistence, journalist Jenna Corderoy has won a long battle to have research from the pro-Brexit group ERG released under FOI — part of her ongoing investigations into the funding and forces shaping the UK's future.

Read more here.

Public FOI and central government

What proportion of FOI requests to central government are made through WhatDoTheyKnow?

Naturally, that's something we're always interested to discover: we've taken our regular look, and here's an explainer from Alex. If you'd like to play with the figures yourself, explore our mini-site.

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mySociety services like TheyWorkForYou and WhatDoTheyKnow are used by millions of people a year, but we receive very little funding for our core services in the UK. If you find our services useful and are able, please consider making a regular or one-off donation.

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Working with playbooks

Playbooks are quite the thing these days, at least in the tech world.

Not sure what they are, or how they can be of help? We're taking a good look at how playbooks can share knowledge as we undertake our various exploration projects across local government. Martin shares our findings.

What makes a good website for a Citizens' Assembly?

Plenty of excellent thinking is happening right now around Citizens' Assemblies: how they work, what they can achieve, and where their limitations lie.

Here at mySociety, we're focusing on what we know best: the digital aspects. Continuing that work, we're starting to gather, generate and share best practice around the websites that support Citizens' Assemblies. See our progress here.




For people who run FOI sites

AlaveteliCon in OsloThe third AlaveteliCon will take place in Oslo, Norway, for people around the world who use FOI and technology. Want to be there? Here's how to get involved.

TICTeC Local

For those using technology in local government and communities

TICTeC LocalThis November, TICTeC Local comes to City Hall in London. If you use tech in communities or local government, consider submitting a proposal for a workshop or presentation.

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Got a list of postcodes and need to know which constituencies they're in?

MapIt matches postcodes to wards and constituencies — and its Data Mapper tool requires no technical or coding skills. A real lifesaver for campaigners and researchers: see more here.

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Image credits: Immigration Enforcement badge (CC by-sa/4.0) via Wikipedia; Parliament Luca Micheli; Playbook (CC by-nc-nd/2.0); Padlock James Sutton.

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